For some Twitter is another way to connect with friends and loved ones in a faster and more accessible way, however for a growing number of people Twitter has become an invaluable networking and business tool.
It is not uncommon to see businesses like coffeehouses and even some take out restaurants offering the option to order via Twitter. Tweeting that you are craving a certain flavor of ice cream or maybe that you wanted to see a concert that sold out before you were able to get tickets may often yield a response from a business willing to help.
If you are a business owner Twitter has become a tool that enables you to keep in touch with your customers minute by minute in a way that has previously been nearly impossible. For example; Simon Cooper, President and COO of The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company, recently had a tweet sent to him about a disappointing experience at a Hotel in Florida. Within hours, though he was several states away, he was able to contact his staff who got in touch with the guest and rectified the situation during the same day. The guest was ‘wowed’ immediately instead of waiting for a comment card to take the same affect weeks later.
Why is Twitter so much faster? Mostly because the platform allows you to see who is talking about you and your business via your phone. One can choose to download an application with search options and ‘trending topics’ or receive notifications via text message. This means that, at your convenience, you can read messages intended for you and/or search for words related to what you do.
Another facet of the site is that you are able to accumulate followers whom you can reach with a simple 140 character message that reaches them during their day without spamming. Customers read your tweets to keep updated on what is going on and can help you spread the word by re-posting, or ReTweeting, your information.
With Twitter your business possibilities are endless. For more information or to better understand, the folks behind the phenomenon suggest you simply ‘Hang around the site and watch for your own Aha! moment’.
Tags: Social Media, Twitter