
Facebook Posts

Facebook Timeline Launches Worldwide

Friday, December 16th, 2011
Facebook Timeline

Facebook Timeline

Back in September of this year, Facebook unveiled the new Timeline function at the F8 event. The Timeline has been summed up to be the story of your life on one page.

The Facebook Timeline feature allows users to create events of their life on their Facebook profile. Do you remember that time you broke a bone in 6th grade? Well, you can create that event for the world to see. What about your senior prank? Go ahead and include any information you want to include — time, description of prank and location. You can now literally tell your life story to your friends and family.

Of course, privacy is still the main concern for many Facebook users. Facebook is still doing great things to uphold the privacy of its members. Users still have an option to hide what they don’t want people to see and limit things to only a certain group of people.

The Facebook Timeline feature will be scrutinized by many users. Thousands of people are already verbally and publicly displaying their disinterest for the feature. However, this is usually the new trend for any new feature of Facebook. Most people will admit that it will just take a little time for the new Facebook Timeline feature to grow on them.

Once people discover how useful and personal the feature is, they are more likely to use it to its fullest capability. Some people do not want their whole life to be on Facebook, but other users see the attraction in telling their story on one single page to people who may not know too much about them.

Facebook Pages Get Upgrade

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

This Thursday Facebook will be upgrading the layout of their pages and adding several new features. Some of the changes will be cosmetic and others are long overdue issues with functionality that have bothered many of us. The main updates will include:

  • Notifications when fans interact with your page or posts
  • A place to showcase photos along the top of your page
  • A news feed for your page
  • The ability to Like and post on other pages as your page

Showcase Your Latest Photos

  • The most recent photos that you post to your Wall or photos that you tag your Page in will appear here. This area will not include any photos posted by your fans.
  • To hide a photo, roll over it and click X.
Facebook Changes To Page Photos

Facebook Changes To Page Photos

Navigation Where People Expect It

  • Navigation links are now on the left, just like on people’s profiles.
Facebook Pages Navigation Changes

Facebook Pages Navigation Changes

Show the Top Posts on Your Wall

  • You can choose to show posts only from your page or from everyone. When viewing posts from everyone, people will be able to filter by Top Posts, which puts the most interesting stories first, or by Most Recent, which shows activity in chronological order.
  • To set a default filter for your Wall, go to Edit Page.
Facebook Pages Wall Changes

Facebook Pages Wall Changes

Use Facebook as Your Page

  • You now have the flexibility to interact with the other areas of Facebook as a page.
  • Get notifications when fans interact with your page or posts
  • See activity from the pages you like in your news feed
  • Like other pages and feature them on your page
  • Make comments as your page on other pages
Facebook Pages Admin View

Facebook Pages Admin View

New settings

  • You can set defaults for your email notifications and how you post to your page – as yourself or your page. You can also select which featured pages appear in the left column.
  • To manage your settings for email and posting preferences, go to Edit Page and Your Settings. To select which pages appear in Likes, go to Edit Page and Featured.
Facebook Pages New Settings

Facebook Pages New Settings

Project Titan: Facebook Challenges Gmail?

Monday, November 29th, 2010

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has announced that he and his team will roll out a new email type feature for the site.

The hype says that a Facebook email client will put Gmail and other email sites completely out of business, however Zuckerberg doesn’t think that will necessarily be the case.

The system will not be exactly the same as the emailing sites you are used to. The project, called Project Titan, will endeavor to keep every type of communication that users are currently taking advantage of and keep them in one place. It will not be a place for lengthy email correspondence.

“If we do a good job, some people will say this is the way the future will work.” Zuckerber has stated, “We don’t think a modern messaging system is going to be email.”

It is well accepted by those who understand the world wide web that in order to be a competitive business you must take advantage of the current social media trend. A big bite of that is Facebook. With the addition of email, in any context, the once college only site may rise above the rest as the platform for everyone.

Although Google and Facebook have long been involved in a constant battle for users, one that has left almost everyone else behind, Eric Schmidt, Google’s CEO, sees it as a challenge. “More competition is always good because competition makes the market larger. We are all well served by having everybody online.”

Facebook To Add Datacenter in Rutherford, NC

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

Once the home to many textile companies, Rutherford county was a thriving community with a proud history and a bright future. However in the last ten years or more the clothing industry has moved to other countries leaving this area in near dire straights. As with the rest of the country the area has struggled, but with a reported 13.4% unemployment rate (whereas the rest of the state averages 9.6%) the economic decline feels harsher.

However, this month Facebook has announced that it will join other companies, who have reported profitable gain, in bringing a new data center to the area. This is incredibly good news as the project will immediately create jobs for construction companies and workers and continue to provide jobs once the center is complete. The executives have estimated that after approximately 18 months of construction they will need 450 people for ‘high tech’ computer jobs.

The news rocked the county in the best possible way, “This is a game-changer,” Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton said at the site. “It’s a message that Rutherford County and North Carolina are open for business in the 21st century.”

The building to be renovated and eventually used is the Old Maco building located on Old Caroleen road. The site, boasting a whopping 168 acres, is only about an hour from Asheville suggesting that the people living in other counties may also be able to gain employment.

“We always took great pride in the fact that we clothed the world,” said Dalton, who was born here. “Those jobs are now gone with the changing economy, but today shows we’re still a great place to do business.”

“The Social Network” Movie

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

This weekend the movie The Social Network hits theaters. It is expected to do quite well. Some have even said that the $25 million opening weekend predictions are conservative.

In searching the reviews on Saturday a negative view was difficult to find. One blogger on IMDB states, “Every aspect of the film is handled just so; from the gorgeous cinematography to the great cast, from the fitting editing to the unforgettable writing. The Social Network is, perhaps, the film of the year. It’s timely and timeless, a combination that few films can ever hope to achieve.”

The movie follows the life of the credited creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg from the idea and through the online bricks and mortar process of building the site.

The movie also chronicles the controversy of the allegations that Zuckerberg in essence stole the website. The films shows the entire process including the trials leading up to the dissolution of the partnership between Zuckerberg and his friends and partners.

Because of the controversy it will be interesting to see how the movie does at the box office and what impact, positive or negative, it has on the social media world and facebook itself.

On a different but interesting note, Mark Zuckerberg himself recently promised the Newark Public School System 100 million dollars. The gift is extraordinary and will make more of a difference than most can imagine for the children of that area. However there are those who feel that Zuckerberg only wanted to offset the possible fallout his reputation could take from the movie. So far no such fallout has occurred.

One funny fact about the movie that is otherwise irrelevant, the actor who plays Mark Zuckerberg, Jesse Eisenberg, also starred in the 2009 movie Zombieland. In that movie his character states that the best thing about Zombieland is that “There are no Facebook status updates”. 😉